Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the studio you go...
pictures of my studio...

cleaned up and organized for the FallArtTour.
This is NOT what it looks like when I'm in the thick of it....

when there's projects in progress everywhere....
parts, pieces, paints...
scribblings, scraps...precarious balancings...and all sorts of curiosities waiting for assembly
or to be seeds for something else...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


This is the part that begins some really tedious work.......

As I did with the long drawing of the Green Bridge...
I'm doing with the long drawing of Vernon's Farm...
The drawing is too long to get one good photograph....
the 3 pieces didn't really fit....
ends further from the lens were smaller...
assembled, it's internet worthy...
but, not up to my standards for a Giclee.


I didn't want to attempt to scan this one....
photography was easier...
but, wondered if it could be improved upon if I scanned it myself.....

It's mulberry paper
that got stretched and moved around by crayons and water and pressure...

6 pieces are now matched up in overlapping sections...
which I've got to re-size in Photoshop...
to reassemble in Painter...
Painter is having problems with my larger ideas...
might be the computer...

This has become a real pain....
but, I'm going to see it through to a remarkable print...
which, I do myself.

Oh, this part of it all is so not fun....
but, there is only one long drawing...
only a few know about this one, and most of them want a print....
and I really want to be able to give them the best I can....
that's all there is to it.

Hatching hungry misquitos
are keeping me in the studio....
no more long drawings for a while.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sardine Tin #6

Sardine Tin #6...completed August 5, 2007

I just took a look at the work-in-progress scan...
it didn't look that good in person.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sardine Tins #1 & #2

I guess I've got an attraction to fish:
SardineTin #1 is sold.
and, just completed...SardineTin #2-->

Saturday, May 05, 2007


I was going to print....
...paper wasn't ready...
so, I went to the studio to work on bees....
but, got involved with this:

Saturday, April 21, 2007


A friend made 3 chasing tools for me
with which I made the RedHerrings and other "poundings"
from left over aluminum flashing.
Technically, it's chasing and repousse...
but, what I do, doesn't hold a candle to the skill of the official chasers and repoussers.

A couple days a week, jewelry artist Maya Madden...
has been trying to teach me how to be an extra couple hands for her...
teaching me some things about metal....

fine silver actually...
that's what Maya likes.

I bought a set of small tools from Rene Bluhm on ebay.

Today I started playing with them.

could I do that again?

...and...I couldn't help it...had to see it........

...TheReligionator...which wound up with a much deeper relief than the scanner can deal with....
again, I've no idea what I'm going to be doing with these...
at least I've gotten them out of my system.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Persuader 1

I'm picking up where I left off ...
can't cut for long though...
not yet...
not yet....
the wrist complains...
it's getting better....
I have to be patient...
and try very hard not to get lost in the arting.
(The Great Persuader......rubbing of what I've got so far.)