Sunday, October 29, 2006

Resuming Studio Normality

The FallArtTour is over....and the Convent Gallery's Breaking the Habit show was a sucess!
I want to thank all who visited my studio....
who marched through the mud, to climb the "treacherous" rock steps...
and who used my "lumpy carpet" path through the snow.
It was a lot of fun....thank-you.

The studio doesn't look like that all the time...

It was fun to have the arting around for a few days...
but, it's time to get started on whatever is next....
the remaining completed work will be put into drawers,
packed away, or brought into the house.
Out will come all my scribblings, boxes of stuff, and notes....
clipped together, taped to the windows or pushpinned to the walls.
Piles of books and things will begin growing again...
and all sorts of items will begin crawling from the drawers and boxes....

The studio is for work in's not big enough for work that's done...
besides, I'm sort of uncomfortable with completed artings out there.

So, I put them away...or sell them.

Ha...that's how I lost track of 12 paintings....
I forgot where I put them...
I think I mentioned something about this....
studio archeology? maybe that's what I called it....
Yeh, I just ran into them not long ago...

Today I found a box of 15 monoprints....
while looking for a couple oil pastels I tried to find for someone last weekend.
I'd been looking for the monoprints for 5 months.
The oil pastels will turn up.
They're just really safe.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Barn

I just saw these barns side by side for the first time last night,
when posting them on my
Artings blog...
the first one was done in the summer of 1996...
our house burned down in December of that year.
This next one

was one of the 4 I did (this was the second)
right outside the 2002.
I always felt that I saw things differently since the fire.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

October Art Shows

FallArtTour and Breaking the Habit
I'm posting mostly pictures at Artings .
It's going to be an interesting weekend....
I've got a tiny studio...and because I can't seem to stop arting...
I've got lots work....and with the cleaning and attempted organizing...
I'm running into artings done in the last 12 months that I've forgotten about...
arting I seem to have just had my hands on, has been misplaced...
but, in looking for it found other arting I thought was long gone in the fire....
so, it's been sort of fun....
although, I would like to finish a couple paintings I started up before the extrication took place.
but, now, I've got elbo room!