Sunday, September 24, 2006


We moved a lot of stuff out of the studio...
carousel posts, huge freezer, doors, etc...and I'm finally able to get at areas I haven't seen in years.

This past week I've not been arting...
but, spreading out into spaces finally available.

For those more interested seeing what I've been up to...
I started
with my own name in the address, which might make it easier to find my work.

It's to be mostly all arting...
probably a wider variety, as I'm just going to post pictures...
so, little chatter, if any....
except for what is generated from comments/emails....

I think I just want someplace unincumbered with stuff
just for pictures.
.......something new to play with.

SOME DAY I'll have my own official website...
where all will be in one spot.

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