Wednesday, August 22, 2007


This is the part that begins some really tedious work.......

As I did with the long drawing of the Green Bridge...
I'm doing with the long drawing of Vernon's Farm...
The drawing is too long to get one good photograph....
the 3 pieces didn't really fit....
ends further from the lens were smaller...
assembled, it's internet worthy...
but, not up to my standards for a Giclee.


I didn't want to attempt to scan this one....
photography was easier...
but, wondered if it could be improved upon if I scanned it myself.....

It's mulberry paper
that got stretched and moved around by crayons and water and pressure...

6 pieces are now matched up in overlapping sections...
which I've got to re-size in Photoshop...
to reassemble in Painter...
Painter is having problems with my larger ideas...
might be the computer...

This has become a real pain....
but, I'm going to see it through to a remarkable print...
which, I do myself.

Oh, this part of it all is so not fun....
but, there is only one long drawing...
only a few know about this one, and most of them want a print....
and I really want to be able to give them the best I can....
that's all there is to it.

Hatching hungry misquitos
are keeping me in the studio....
no more long drawings for a while.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sardine Tin #6

Sardine Tin #6...completed August 5, 2007

I just took a look at the work-in-progress scan...
it didn't look that good in person.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sardine Tins #1 & #2

I guess I've got an attraction to fish:
SardineTin #1 is sold.
and, just completed...SardineTin #2-->